John Brown

John Brown (1964-Present) has been a figure sculptor for 39 years. As a sculptor, his commissions have included: The Clooney Foundation, John Muir Middle School, Alta-Med; EA (Electronic Arts); Gehry & Partners; Hasbro, The Greenwood Development Corporation in South Carolina and several private clients. John has exhibited in multiple juried fine art festivals, art galleries, and The Pasadena Showcase House, and his fine art is in the homes of numerous private collections all over North America. His sculptures have been featured in several publications including Sculptural Pursuit magazine, Space magazine, Sculpture Review Magazine, and Save the Date Magazine. John’s work explores the human condition through the portrayal of universally relatable themes carved and cast into bronze figurative sculpture.


In addition to creating bronze figurative sculpture, John Brown has taught sculpture in Los Angeles at The Gnomon School of Visual FX since 1998 and is the author of 12 internationally acclaimed sculpture training DVD’s and tutorials. He is considered by many as a leader in Figurative Sculpture Education.“One of America’s leading figurative sculpting tutors”-5 time Academy Award Winner Richard Taylor (Creative Director of Weta Workshop NZ).


From 1994 to 2002, John worked as a character designer and sculptor in the motion picture industry with over 50 film and television credits, which included best picture winner, “A Beautiful Mind”, “Jumanji”, “Alien Resurrection”, “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”, and “Planet of the Apes” to name a few.